Is your business invisible? 👻

You may have a marketing dept.

You may have a PR agency.

You may have a social media strategy.

At best you're seeing some upward trends.

At worst, you’re still not seeing any cut through.

And it’s costing the business a fortune.


The problem isn’t what you’re spending.

It’s what they’re saying.

Think about every business that you admire…

...they stand for something.

And businesses that stand for something stand out.

So if you don’t stand out.

Success will pass you by.

As if you were invisible

Are you going to stand out or fall?

Your values, distilled and communicated well, will ensure that you stand out. 

You will stand out because people know what you stand for.

Your values will ensure that you are noticed in a crowded market place.

Your values in business (just like in your personal life) enable people to decide if they like you. 

If you’re the kind of business that they want to be associated with.

If they want a long-term business relationship with your firm.

The opposite of standing out is not blending in.

It’s falling.

This means falling behind at first.

But ultimately it means falling all the way down to becoming a failed business.

Which means the attention you pay to values, and the importance you place on them, will determine if your business...

Stands out.

Or falls.

Victory through values ✌️

I've spoken with business 'leaders' who think establishing their values is a fluffy HR exercise.

Some even describing it as "Woke BS"!

I can assure you that establishing, distilling, communicating and living your values is essential.

It is a vital, board level, commercial measure that you should check and report on monthly.

A commercial measure that will

  • Increase profit

  • Increase customer satisfaction

  • Increase productivity

  • Increase team retention

  • Increase moral

  • Increase profit

  • Increase customer satisfaction

  • Increase productivity

  • Increase team retention

  • Increase moral

Don’t believe me? Try this…

Pay me for 1 day and I will show you 5 ways where a lack of values is costing or losing your business money.